
Carbon Credits in Agriculture: Growing a Greener Future
2023-11-03 17:39:14

The agricultural sector has long been a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. However, as the world faces the challenges of climate change, farmers and agricultural industries are increasingly turning to innovative solutions to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future. One such solution is carbon credits.

Understanding Carbon Credits: Carbon credits, also known as carbon offsets, are a way to measure and mitigate the greenhouse gas emissions associated with various activities, including agriculture. These credits represent a reduction in emissions or the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. In agriculture, carbon credits can be earned by implementing practices that sequester carbon or reduce emissions.

Agriculture's Carbon Footprint: Agriculture is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions, primarily through practices like the use of synthetic fertilizers, methane emissions from livestock, and land-use changes. These emissions contribute to global warming and climate instability.

How Carbon Credits Work in Agriculture:


  1. Carbon Sequestration: Some agricultural practices, such as reforestation, afforestation, and cover cropping, sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and can earn carbon credits.
  2. Methane Reduction: Implementing methane capture technologies in livestock operations or adopting feeding practices that reduce methane emissions can also earn carbon credits.
  3. Reducing Energy Use: Efficient irrigation, reduced energy consumption, and the use of renewable energy sources can help reduce emissions and earn credits.

Benefits of Carbon Credits in Agriculture:


  1. Financial Incentives: Farmers can earn revenue by selling carbon credits, providing a financial incentive for adopting sustainable practices.
  2. Sustainable Agriculture: Carbon credit programs encourage the adoption of sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural practices.
  3. Climate Mitigation: By offsetting emissions, carbon credits help mitigate the impact of agriculture on climate change.

Challenges and Considerations:


  1. Measurement and Verification: Accurately measuring and verifying emissions reductions or carbon sequestration can be challenging and requires robust methodologies.
  2. Economic Viability: The financial benefits of carbon credit programs can vary, and participation may not be economically viable for all farmers.
  3. Policy and Market Factors: The availability and pricing of carbon credits can be influenced by government policies and market dynamics.

Success Stories: Highlight real-world examples of farmers or agricultural organizations that have successfully earned carbon credits by adopting sustainable practices. Discuss the positive impact on their farms and the environment.

The Future of Carbon Credits in Agriculture: As the world works to combat climate change, the role of carbon credits in agriculture is likely to expand. Governments, organizations, and consumers are increasingly recognizing the importance of sustainable food production, and carbon credits can play a pivotal role in incentivizing change.

Conclusion: Carbon credits represent a promising avenue for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the agriculture sector while promoting sustainability and providing economic benefits to farmers. Embracing these initiatives not only helps mitigate climate change but also contributes to a greener and more resilient future for agriculture.

#CarbonCredits #Agriculture #ClimateChange #Sustainability #GreenFarming #CarbonSequestration #EmissionsReduction #ClimateAction #SustainableAgriculture #EnvironmentalStewardship#CarbonOffset #FarmersForClimate #ClimateResilience #CarbonNeutral #RegenerativeAgriculture #AgTech #ClimateSolutions#FarmingForTheFuture #CarbonFootprint #RenewableEnergy#ClimatePolicy #AgriculturalInnovation #FoodSecurity #ClimateSmartAgriculture #SustainableFarming

The Benefits of Organic Milk and Why Choose Organic Milk?
2023-11-02 16:52:14

The text highlights the growing interest in organic food, particularly organic dairy products like milk.

Organic milk is rich in essential nutrients like Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, and its nutritional benefits are influenced by organic farming practices, making it a healthier alternative to conventional milk.

1: Nutritional Benefits

Discuss how organic milk is nutritionally rich, with higher levels of essential nutrients, such as Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, compared to conventional milk.

Explain how organic farming practices influence these nutritional differences.

2: No Hormones or Antibiotics

Highlight the absence of synthetic hormones and antibiotics in organic milk production.

Explain the potential health benefits of consuming milk from cows not treated with these substances.

3: Animal Welfare and Sustainability

Discuss the ethical and environmental aspects of organic milk production.

Explain how organic farming practices promote animal welfare and reduce the environmental impact of dairy farming.

4: Taste and Quality

Explore the taste and quality of organic milk and how it can differ from conventional milk.

Include information about consumer preferences for the flavor and creaminess of organic milk.

5: Consumer Choice and Conclusion

Discuss the increasing consumer demand for organic milk.

Summarize the benefits of organic milk and emphasize why consumers should consider choosing it.

1: Health and Wellness

Explain how choosing organic milk can be a part of a healthy lifestyle.

Discuss the potential health benefits, such as reduced exposure to chemicals and higher nutrient content.

2: Environmental Impact

Highlight the environmental benefits of choosing organic milk, such as reduced pesticide use and sustainable farming practices.

Explain how this choice can contribute to a more eco-friendly food system.

3: Animal Welfare

Discuss the ethical considerations of choosing organic milk.

Explain how organic farming practices promote better living conditions for cows.

4: Supporting Local Farms

Explain how choosing organic milk can support local farmers and their communities.

Discuss the economic benefits of buying local and organic dairy products.

5: Taste and Quality

Mention the superior taste and quality of organic milk.

Share personal experiences or consumer testimonials about the difference in flavor and texture.

6: Making Informed Choices and Conclusion

Encourage readers to make informed choices when it comes to milk selection.

Summarize the key reasons why choosing organic milk is a wise decision for health, the environment, and taste.

These outlines provide a structure for your articles. You can now expand upon each section, provide more details, incorporate statistics or research findings, and add your personal perspective to create engaging and informative articles on the benefits of organic milk and why consumers should choose it.

The Future of Sustainable Agriculture: Innovations and Challenges
2023-11-01 15:10:28

In a rapidly changing world, sustainable agriculture is not just an option; it's a necessity. Farmers around the globe are adapting to new challenges while exploring innovative practices to ensure a resilient food system. In this blog post, we'll delve into the evolving landscape of modern farming, highlighting key innovations and the challenges that lie ahead.

1. Sustainable Agriculture Practices Discuss various sustainable farming practices, such as organic farming, regenerative agriculture, and precision agriculture. Explain how these practices promote environmental stewardship and long-term viability.

2. Technological Advancements Explore cutting-edge technologies in agriculture, such as drones, IoT, AI, and blockchain, and how they are revolutionizing the farming industry.

3. Challenges in Sustainability Discuss the challenges farmers face, including climate change, pest management, and limited resources, and how they are developing strategies to overcome them.

4. Urban Farming and Community Engagement Highlight the rise of urban farming and its role in local food production and community engagement. Showcase urban farming success stories and initiatives.

5. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health Examine the importance of biodiversity in agriculture and how farmers are implementing practices to enhance the health of ecosystems on their farms.

6. Water and Soil Management Discuss efficient water and soil management techniques that help conserve resources and maintain soil health.

7. Policy and Advocacy Address the role of government policies and the importance of advocacy in promoting sustainable agriculture and supporting farmers.


Sustainable agriculture is becoming a necessity in today's rapidly changing world. Farmers worldwide are exploring innovative practices to ensure a resilient food system. This blog post explores sustainable farming practices, technological advancements, challenges in sustainability, urban farming, biodiversity, water and soil management, and policy and advocacy.

Sustainable farming practices include organic farming, regenerative agriculture, and precision agriculture, which promote environmental stewardship and long-term viability. Technological advancements like drones, IoT, AI, and blockchain are revolutionizing the farming industry. Farmers face challenges such as climate change, pest management, and limited resources, and are developing strategies to overcome them. Urban farming plays a significant role in local food production and community engagement, and successful initiatives showcase the role of urban farming.

Biodiversity and ecosystem health are crucial in agriculture, and farmers are implementing practices to enhance ecosystem health. Efficient water and soil management techniques help conserve resources and maintain soil health. Government policies and advocacy play a crucial role in promoting sustainable agriculture and supporting farmers.

In conclusion, sustainable agriculture is a journey that requires continuous innovation and adaptation. Collaboration between farmers and agricultural enthusiasts is essential to address the challenges and embrace the innovations shaping the future of agriculture.


#sustainableagriculture #modernfarming #AgriculturalInnovation #Farmingtechnology #Food #Security #Climateresilience #Organicfarming #PrecisionAgriculture #Urban #Farming #SoilHealth #Biodiversity #WaterManagement #CropRotation #AgroforestryFarm-to-Table #GreenhouseFarming #Regenerative #Agriculture #Smart #Farming #Agricultural #Policy #Farming #Communities

Indian Agriculture's Organic Revolution: Promoting Sustainable Practices
2023-10-09 16:55:25

Start your essay about organic farming in India out with a compelling hook or anecdote. Introduce the idea of organic farming and its importance in a brief manner. Mention the article's goal and what the reader can learn from it.

Understanding Organic Agriculture

Give an explanation of organic farming and its fundamental tenets (avoidance of synthetic chemicals, support for biodiversity, etc.).

Describe how organic farming is better for the environment, human health, and rural communities.

Share numbers or information about the expansion of organic farming in India.


A Historical Perspective

Discover the evolution of organic farming in India, including early methods.

The movement for organic farming should be highlighted in terms of important individuals or movements.

Talk about how organic farming complements India's agricultural history.


Difficulties and Possibilities

Describe the difficulties organic farmers in India encounter, such as pests, certification, and market access.

Talk about the programs and policies the government has put in place to assist organic farming.

showcase organic producers' achievements and possibilities.


Standards and Certification

Explain the importance of organic standards and certification.

Describe the certification procedure and the Indian entities in charge of certification.

Compare and contrast the meanings of designations like "India Organic" and "USDA Organic."


Organic Agriculture Techniques

Examine the standard organic agricultural techniques used in India (such as crop rotation, composting, and vermiculture).

Emphasize the part that traditional and indigenous knowledge plays in organic farming.

Share advice with those who want to start organic farming or gardening.


Stories of Organic Farming Success

Include actual instances of prosperous organic farming cooperatives or farmers in India.

Describe their trip, the difficulties they faced, and the effect they had on their local communities.

Include any available images and testimonials.


Market Demand and Consumer Awareness

Discuss the increasing demand for organic products in India and globally.

Explain how consumer awareness and health consciousness are driving this demand.

Mention the potential for income generation through organic farming.


Environmental Benefits

Detail how organic farming practices contribute to soil health and biodiversity conservation.

Discuss reduced chemical runoff, water conservation, and carbon sequestration.

Include facts and figures on the environmental advantages of organic farming.


Future Prospects

Share insights on the future of organic farming in India.

Predict trends, innovations, and areas of growth in the organic agriculture sector.

Discuss the role of technology and digital platforms in connecting organic farmers with consumers.



Briefly summarize the article's main topics. emphasize the significance of organic farming for India's future agricultural sustainability.

Encourage readers to support organic farming by purchasing organic goods or taking into account using organic farming methods in their own life.


#OrganicFarming #SustainableAgriculture #OrganicFood #NaturalFarming #FarmToTable #HealthyEating #EcoFriendlyFarming #GreenFarming #OrganicGardening #FarmersMarket

Role of start-ups in rural development of India

India has become a start-up hub in recent years. Many start-ups are hitting as high as some MNCs. Among many popular urban start-ups, some are impacting rural areas and making difference by choosing a totally different target group. Such start-ups are improving the lives of people living in rural areas.


Khedut-Pay has listed down some change-makers who are impacting rural development.

1.    Rozgar Dhaba (Employment)

start-up founded by Vinod Pandey

Started in 2018.

Madhya Pradesh's Sehore district. Rozgar Dhaba is a concept of a tea-stall with providing different vacancies listed by employers. In India, most of the tea-stalls are crowded most of the time as tea is a highly consumed drink by Indians. Rozgar Dhaba sells tea and jobs, too. Customers get to know new vacancies and employers get the right talent. 

Rozgar Dhaba’s revenue comes from its sales and advertisements of jobseekers or employers. Founder Vinod has hosted 20 job fairs to make employment an easy process in villages. Moreover, he is planning to organize workshops to attract women.

2.  Maatritva (Healthcare)

Nasik-based start-up 

Founded by Pritish Agarwal, Abhishek Verma, and Garima Dosar 

Started in April 2017.

Maatritva works in the healthcare sector by providing a unique mobile health platform to empower Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANM), gynecologists and medical officers and helps in screening, identifying and tracking of high risk pregnant women.

Team works to deliver babies without any trouble and complications at a rural level.


3.    Gaatha (Indian Traditional Handicrafts)

Founded by Sumiran Pandey, Shivani Dhar, and Himanshu Khar

In year august, 2013.

Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Gaatha is an e-commerce for Indian handicrafts like clothes, jewelry, paintings, and stationery, crafted by artisans of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Kashmir. The raw material used by gaatha is waste like bamboo, wood, leather, fibre, and urban waste!

With price-range from 250 to 10,000 this start-up receives around 500 orders per month. The same start-up received funding from the Central Government in 2009 worth 10 crore rupees.

4.    Prosoc 

PROducts for SOCiety (Education)

Founded in 2015 by IIT Kanpur alumnus Eshan Sadasivan

PROSOC aims to design and develop innovative social products and services of social importance in different sectors like education, livelihood, agriculture, healthcare, etc. Currently, the startup offers DESKIT, a faculty bag that has attached a study table in it. With the assistance of DESKIT, students can sit during a good posture while studying and may write comfortably.

This study table is helpful for the right body posture of school going poor children who do not have proper facilities to arrange benches.


Such start-ups are paving the way for rural youth and changing the way of business by not choosing mainstream business fields and shaping modern India.

Growth and scopes of construction sector in rural India
2023-10-10 15:52:40

Housing is the second largest employment providing sector after Indian Railway. The majority of the development in construction can be seen in urban areas, this leads more people to settle in cities and leave their homes located in villages. As the whole nation knows that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has promised to have a home for every Indian by 2022. It becomes important to talk about the rural housing scenario in India.

With 70% of people residing in rural India, it will be very crucial to provide home to each of them. Talking about the Migration, people are moving to urban areas, to find better opportunities to earn. As modern cities are being flooded with skyscrapers, most of the migrant workers are into construction labor work. They live, work and sleep on the construction sites they are working. This migration will make the rural economy collapse one day. To tackle this problem, the government needs to take proper measures so villagers don’t leave villages. Providing them better scopes of work in their hometown. 

In the last decade, the rural economy has shrunk and to alleviate the migration problem there should be something that can kill two birds with one stone. For an example, if people who are finding work in metro cities, govt. can provide them subsidy to have a small business in rural areas like, having an agency of cement bags and other supplies used for construction. This will encourage people to get into the business of construction, people will be encouraged to have homes on their own instead of relying on the government. This will be easier to reach the goal of providing all the citizens by 2022. Moreover, due to such resources, people will find work at their doorstep and will be earning from something apart from farming, too. 

To empower farmers residing in the countryside, as a startup working for farmers we provide every possible product to our customers at their doorstep. For that, they just need to give a missed call to our number. Then we give a callback to our respective customer and inquire about their requirement, our experts provide assistance to each customer and help them buy the right product for their needs. We look forward to serving all the farmers by providing them all the products at their doorstep by just giving a missed call. Such steps in rural India will boost business and independence in people living in rural areas.


Effects of lockdown due to COVID 19 on Rural India
2023-03-01 15:52:00

Novel Coronavirus has shown never before steps taken by the government. To prevent the outbreak of the virus the Indian government imposed a lockdown in March. But the nation will have to pay some immediate effects and some long term effects. Among men affected sectors the one which is highly disrupted due to lockdown and the subsequent extension in rural India.


  • Transportation


Apart from crops, rural India consumes products imported from outside. Due to lockdown interstate transportation was halted with the exception of essential goods. This resulted in a stoppage of exporting goods from villages to cities. A large number of farmers earn from the milk they supply to dairies. Consumption of milk products shrunk and resulted in a waste of milk. Farmers of India spilled their milk as they couldn't sell it. 


  • Migrant workers 


As Indian cities are the economic hubs of the country, they drive the rural economy. Countless workers working in urban areas got stuck where they were working as transportation was prohibited. They couldn't reach their homes and suffered without work and money. This scenario opened up the darker side of this sector. Migrant workers were showered with relief packages by the Indian government. Many protests took place in different regions of the country. 


  • Health care


Where World health organization w h o hi comments one doctor for every thousand people India has only one doctor for 10189 people in current time. Pandemic showed unawareness of the government towards the healthcare sector as India spends only 1.28 percent of GDP where is Shri Lanka and Indonesia work more than India. 


  • Farming


As a farmer's goods supplier team Khedutpay felt that supplies of different crops were not meeting the demand hence farmers missed the time of planting and those who got their seeds on time, they couldn't sell their crops at the right price. Not only crops but the lack of supply felt in tractors ancillary supports, medicines, crop protection, pesticides, and many other products. Many E-Commerce bands also suffered from a lack of supplies. 


This is the time of test for government in citizens of India, too. Health is the utmost priority for the nation. On the other hand, the government has to take care of the economic balance of rural and urban areas as well. To recover the loss of farmers, 2000₹ to be credited to all the farmer's bank accounts under PM Kishan Yojana. Additionally, the burden of EMIs has been reduced for next month to provide breathing space to farmers.  


  • MSMEs & SMEs 


Many small and medium scale businesses suffered from job cuts. This pandemic led many MNCs to lay off their employees, how smaller organizations can be an exception? Many start-ups shut off their operations and some are still working with around 50% of efficiency. 


It's not an exaggeration to say that the pandemic cost the nation an arm and a leg, but the measures taken by the government and people of India are taking preventive measures to get back on the track without getting infected by COVID. The coming days are not easy but the nation is still taking small steps with an optimistic approach and the nation will thrive after coming out of the crisis.

Engagement of youth in agriculture and how they can contribute to the rural economy?
2023-02-07 15:51:10

With the advent of technology, the youth got enormous opportunities at their fingertips and as a result of this, young minds are thriving worldwide. In this revolution, youth residing in rural areas is also exploring new horizons by implementing their skills learned online and inculcating new technologies. 

Maybe the youth of cities and villages are at loggerheads but at some point. All of them are trying to leave their mark in respective fields. Talking about rural youth, they are armed with the market which is less competitive but on the other hand, they do not have aware customers. But still, there are many opportunities lying in rural areas. There are some major factors which are driving youth to get educated and being on their own.

Among many factors, technology is a major factor which is making everything possible like a city even in rural areas. Due to cheaper cellphones & the Internet in India, they are learning different methods of farming, get weather updates, know where to buy the right products and get notified about the right government schemes on time and avail the benefits for their welfare.

Having a technological edge with the profound knowledge of rural ecosystems makes youth better find and execute opportunities to explore the new horizons of different businesses and career paths. 

In the countryside, many people are afraid of shifting to different business other than farming. But, many young minds are venturing in poultry farming, fruit farming, and B2B or B2C businesses and really earning well.

As a service provider to farmers of Gujarat, I have young teammates in my team with very ordinary background, but I find their craving for getting work done and approach very enthusiastic. Many of them are ready to explore fields and communicate with their father rather than staying at their workplace. Many times they give me creative ways to do things and keep eye on competitors. This shows how active rural youth is! Apart from this, young minds are pro-active when it comes to any scientific or practical approach to farming and they are very adaptable for new technologies, products & services.

Another quality of the new generation is Leadership. They speak up for their rights. During our field visits, young farmers who are helping hands to their parents in farming are more communicative and take an active part to solve different problems and implement new technologies in their farms to grow more crops.

Contribution of young minds in the development of the rural economy will give us more leaders in the respective sectors followed by reforms and change in the system and in the end the nation will thrive with innovations.

What is NABARD and its roles in Rural Development?
2023-01-10 15:50:33

Agriculture sector of India provides 60% of the products to the nation. Still, the people working in that sector are in pain most of the time. To give a voice to the farmers who contribute a huge share to GDP, the government has many autonomies working for their welfare. Among many, NABARD is a board which totally focuses on the issues and developments of farmers.

 What is NABARD?

NABARD stands for the “National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development". Established in 1982 with 50:50 contribution from Government of India and Reserve Bank of India. Headquarter is situated in Mumbai, India and has regional offices in all states.

It focuses on development in rural India, promotion of small scale industries and helping villagers to establish a business from handicrafts and other products.

After independence India needed to focus on agricultural finance so in 1981 a committee was set up to assess the arrangements for agricultural and rural development. On July 12th, under the recommendation B. Sivaramman NABARD was formed.

What NABARD does? 

  • NABARD is Apex institution India who regulate all the matters of agricultural policies and other economic activities of rural India.
  • NABARD is a refinancing agency for the institutions that provide investment and credit to promote the different programs working for rural development.
  • It promotes rural credit financing rehabilitation of different schemes, restructures the system and makes the credit process smooth at micro level.
  • NABARD is responsible for preparing rural credit plans for all the districts of the country.
  • NABARD also has active health institutions working for rural upliftment.
  • Maintain harmony between Government of India and Reserve Bank of India by formulating right policies
  • Around 50% of rural credits are being paid out by cooperative banks and public sector banks located in rural areas. NABARD is in the organization is responsible to supervise and make sure the functioning of the system. 

Hence NABARD works in credit function by making sure the cash flow helps the rural businesses to develop and promote different research and training programs.

Even though Indian economy shrank due to pandemic steps taken by NABARD and other sustainable models agriculture the sector saw 2.5 % growth.

Many eyes are looking forward to the role of NABARD in revival of the economy as many programs announced by the central government like development fund with total corpus of 15000 Crore, agriculture infrastructure fine of 1 lakh Crore are game changers in showing positive numbers even during pandemic. NABARD also would be actively analyzing and implementing new programs and schemes to promote Aatmnirbhar Bharat.

In the opinion of NABARD chief agriculture sector would be driving the post COVID available for the economy. Current requirements NABARD is focusing on primary agricultural cooperative watersheds in micro food processing.

The future of India lies in its villages -Gandhiji
2022-12-21 15:49:51

All of us feel connected with some specific philosophies and try to stick upon it. No matter what the circumstances you face, there are always some principles that can’t let things go and happen whatever is going on. Being born and brought up in a village in India, I have experienced this quote by the beloved father of the nation, Gandhiji. I have experienced that craving for success or becoming something big in the eyes of people whom I lived in my childhood. 

It is rightly said that you get to protect your own dreams. Following that wholeheartedly, I came up with an Idea of KhedutPay. In my childhood, I was highly influenced by thoughts of Gandhiji as he always had faith in rural India even in the time of British rule. It is our responsibility to carry that thought in our minds whenever we are dealing with people from villages. They might have a lack of communication skills, but I have seen many farmers forecasting the weather more precisely than any application many times. 

From the eyes of Gandhiji, rural India is a golden sparrow without any exaggeration. The real India is living in villages. Gandhiji believed that generalizing villages will perish and India will perish, too. Thus he suggested Gram Swaraj- where each village decodes its own problems and looks for solutions. One solution can’t apply to each part of the nation.  

One more aspect of the Gandhian philosophy for rural India needs to be decentralized. With more than 6,00,000 villages, Gandhiji believed the same about villages that no village can be operated by a government sitting far from the real place. Hence, whatever needs to be executed it should be right from local places, not from somewhere else. People living in any particular area know the problems of that region better than others, so it is very obvious that the solution also could be coming from the people of the same village/ region. 

This same happened with me when I started off with KhedutPay, an organization serving farmers of Gujarat. Where we were committed to provide a platform to all the sellers and make a competitive market to benefit farmers. Before this, we saw a gap between farmers and sellers as many farmers did not get to choose the right product for them. To eliminate this problem, we introduced a missed call service with agriculture experts guiding them on call. We got a huge response to that, as till now, there were very few platforms where farmers were guided genuinely without trying to sell. These honest efforts in solving their problems made them believe in us and they started ordering different products from us.

Having knowledge of rural areas because I have lived there helped me to understand and solve their problems. Slowly & steadily we are expanding teams and establishing ourselves as a stop solution for all the farmers' needs. I would say, Gandhiji was right about rural solutions, hence no other person from a privileged background can answer a farmer's question.

Three Key Features of Rural Economy
2022-11-23 15:48:51

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Source: eurac research

India, a country of 1.3 Billion people, an economy of 3 Trillion dollars. Fitch Ratings predicted that the Indian economy will grow by 11% in the year 2021-2022. Most of us think that most part of the economy comes from Urban areas. Is it so? Let's find out how the rural economy is contributing to the growth of a nation.

According to the reports by NITI Aayog, 70% of the workforce in India lives in rural areas and contributes up to 46% of national income. It is projected that 50% of the population in India will live in rural areas by 2050.

When it comes to rural areas, agriculture plays a key role in increasing rural income and employment. But it is not the only sector. Other sectors like manufacturing, construction, services, and other non-farm sectors like poultry, dairy, fishing, forestry are also contributing 48.7 percent of rural employment. Here is data showing the share of rural areas in total Net Domestic Product and Employment across different sectors during the years 1970 to 2012 

Figures shown are in percentage

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Source: NITI Aayog

The above figures show promising results in Rural employment and the economy. In the past few years, the government has invested a lot of money in rural areas, which indeed became helpful for the growth of the nation. There are three main features of the rural economy which led to the growth of the rural economy. 

1. Commercialization of agriculture

Indian villages have always been self-sufficient. In the early 90s, they grew their own food, produced cotton, and oilseeds, everything for their own requirements. But it's not the same anymore. Villages need to supply food to the outside world to meet the needs of people outside villages. The rural economy has opened up, and it made the commercialization of agriculture possible. The commercialization of agriculture brought drastic changes in the rural economy.

The factors which contribute to the agricultural commercialization are as follows:

  1. High production & productivity
  2. Due to the use of advanced technology in agriculture, we have seen a surge in production.
  3. Expansion of road transport. Roads played a role as a bridge to connect rural areas to urban areas.
  4. The development of cooperative market structures helped farmers to get rid of middlemen and moneylenders. Now, they deal directly with retailers and gain more profits.

2. Impact of Urbanism

Earlier the contacts between rural and urban areas were limited to basic necessities. But the situation is changing now. An increase in road transport and communication mediums like radio, television, and mobile phones have brought rural areas closer to the urban areas. An increase in contacts between these two areas made an impact on rural life. They quickly absorbed the culture of urban areas. As a result, rural areas have become a potential market for industrial goods. Observing the change, many industries have set their foot in rural areas.

Contacts between rural and urban areas have spread awareness among the people living in rural areas about consumer goods. The income of rural masses has increased due to the green revolution which led to the consumption of consumer goods.

New agriculture technology has made work easier than before. It increased the supply of industrial goods like fertilizers and machinery. It resulted in an increase in repair and maintenance services, which is inevitable as the machinery is involved in the process.

Above mentioned reasons have increased the demand for industrial goods and services in rural areas resulting in economic growth and an increase in employment opportunities.

3. Institutional Participation

The Government of India has always focused on Rural development and reconstruction. After independence, states took responsibility for rural reconstruction which helped the government to focus on local problems. They introduced various reforms, laws, and development programs to bring modernization in villages. The new economic policy made a major impact on the rural economy bringing a more transparent and safer medium to trade and providing farmers a new platform of opportunities with the green revolution. This is clear from the statement given by the finance minister in parliament quoting, “It is my firm belief that sustained and broad-based growth of agriculture is essential for alleviating poverty, generating incomes and employment, assuring food security and sustaining a buoyant domestic market for industry and services”

The finance minister made it very clear that agriculture is the backbone of the Indian economy and the growing rural economy is the only way to solve nationwide problems.

We at KhedutPay ensure that the needs of farmers are fulfilled hasslefree. We have created a technology-based e-commerce platform where farmers can reach and sell rural products to the masses. We also offer necessary supplies for farming to farmers at affordable prices.

For more information, visit us at

8 startups who are redefining rural India
2022-10-19 15:47:59

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India is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world and on its way to becoming a developed country, it is facing several problems in both rural and urban areas. Urban areas are developing rapidly with an increasing number of start-ups and growing opportunities. India is also becoming a start-up hub with more start-ups stepping into the market each year. Most start-ups have set their foot in the urban market. 

India, a country that depends highly on agriculture for its economic growth. With 2/3rd of its population living in rural areas, it has now become a necessity to develop rural areas and solve problems that rural people are facing. With this idea of solving rural problems, many entrepreneurs came forward and started their ventures to help rural people. Let's take a look at start-ups that are on the mission to redefine rural India.


Niramai is a deep tech start-up based in Bengaluru. Niramai addresses critical healthcare problems and provides automated solutions. Niramai uses machine intelligence software to help detect breast cancer in its early stages. There are several other benefits of automated solutions like cost-effectiveness, simplicity, and accuracy. Niramai’s solution works for women of all ages. Its solution is less painful and radiation-free. Their solution can also be used for large scale screening in both rural and semi-urban areas.


Maatritva is a Nasik based start-up founded by Pritish Agarwal, Garima Dosar, and Abhishek Verma in 2017. It is a mobile health platform that helps in screening and tracking women at high risk during pregnancy. Maatritva aims at enabling safe deliveries by using their mobile platform and minimizing complications in pregnant womens. 


Chikitsak is a Bangalore based healthcare startup founded by Milind Naik. It focuses on providing affordable primary healthcare check-ups to the rural population. It focuses on screening for non-communicable diseases like cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc.

Intello Labs

Intello Labs is a Bengaluru based start-up working on leveraging Artificial Intelligence, computer vision, and deep learning technologies to help farmers scale their production. It is among India's most awarded start-ups. They use technology to monitor the grade and quality of vegetables and fruits. They use crop images to inspect and provide recommendations based on crop grade and quality. Recommendation helps farmers to increase production and grow their businesses.


Gocoop is a Bengaluru based start-up founded by Siva Devireddy in 2005. Siva created an online marketplace that connects artists, weavers, cooperatives with the buyers. It helps the handloom workers, artisans, and handicraft cooperatives by allowing them to market their products online. The online marketplace helps rural people to reduce the cost with increased efficiency.

Rozgar Dhaba

Inspired by ChaiPoint, Vinod Pandey founded Rozgar Dhaba. They sell tea and refreshment. But they introduced a very innovative solution by providing employment opportunities. Rozgar Dhaba works as a center where people seeking job opportunities come and find the jobs relevant to them. So how does this ecosystem work? How a person selling tea can provide a job? 

People willing to sell their products display their product information in the stall. Similarly, employers can put up their requirements. Rozgar Dhaba collects this information and connects people who seek job opportunities. This way, along with selling tea and refreshments, they also connect employers to job seekers.

Husk Power Systems

Founded by Manoj Sinha, this Bihar based start-up is working on providing electricity to thousands of rural people by implementing their innovative solutions. Manoj Sinha invented his tech to generate electric energy from the waste product of rice known as rice-husk.  


Most urban areas have municipal corporations to look after the waste. Waste management services in urban areas are far better than in rural areas. Most wastes are dumped in empty plots.  

EnCashea, founded by IIT alumni provides waste management solutions for rural areas. They provide pick-up facilities for waste in rural areas. They use this waste to make compost out of organic waste. Farmers can grow organic fruits and vegetables with this compost. This can help farmers serve organic food to the urban market. Experts say this will start a new wave in the start-up world as this is a completely new domain in the start-up world.

From healthcare to banking, education to employment, agriculture to e-commerce, more and more start-ups are coming each year. And with a vision of making India self-dependent, these startups are working closely with the government to solve rural problems. However, we haven't solved all the rural problems yet. Many new problems will arise in the coming years and we are pretty sure that entrepreneurs will step in to solve them. India is still in its developing phase, and start-ups will play a vital role in its development. 

7 Factors That Affect the Rural Development
2022-09-14 15:45:32

Rural Development: the Way Forward

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For a country like India, which depends highly on agriculture for revenue generation, rural development is so important. Since independence, public interest in rural development has increased rapidly. Rural development is not only necessary for the people living in villages but it is also important for the overall economic growth of the country. Today rural development has greater importance in India than in the early days of independence. Since it has the utmost importance in the development of the country, the government has taken many steps to develop rural areas and to provide a better life for the people living in villages. From sanitation to drinking water supply, from roads to brick houses, from education to employment, India has made every effort possible for the development of rural areas. So what is the meaning of these efforts? What are the objectives behind it?

Objectives of rural development:

●     Decrease in the rate of unemployment

●     Improve the standard of living in rural areas

●     Adequate income for food, clothes, water, and other necessary supplies

●     Availability of pure drinking water

●     Educational and medical facilities

●     All-weather roads to ensure transportation

●     Increase per capita income in rural areas

●     Hygienic living conditions

●     Women empowerment

●     Infrastructure development ( electricity, irrigation, etc.)

In order to fulfill all those objectives, there are few factors we need to consider. 

Factors affecting Rural Development:

1.Rising literacy level

More literacy means more chances of employability. As per NSS reports, the literacy rate in rural areas was 72.3% Male and 56.8% Females in 2014 which is higher as compared to the literacy rate of 68% male and 43% female in 2000.

The literacy rate is increasing year by year. The government has started providing online courses through SWAYAMeVIDYA. The government has taken initiatives for offline education through schemes like Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA).

2. Infrastructural activities

A strong infrastructure is a necessity for rural development. Roads, communication channels, electrification, drinking water supply, irrigation facilities, drainage lines, and proper houses to live are some of the key things that demonstrate rural development. In the last couple of decades, we have observed a growth in infrastructure facilities and public service projects in rural India.

3. New employment opportunities

Various policies have resulted in the development of rural India, which leads to new employment opportunities. One such initiative is TRYSEM(Training Rural Youth for Self- Employment). The main objective of this policy was to train youth to develop technical skills.

The most recent example is Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan where Hon. PM Modi invited startups to get funding for their prototypes. This will increase employment in the next decade.

4. Rising mass media

Increased communication channels like Television, social media, radio platforms have increased awareness among rural masses. With mobile phones and the internet, they can now search for jobs, learn new skills, and connect with people outside the village

Because of the rise of mass media, farmers and other people in rural areas are now aware of different government schemes which can be helpful for farming and other activities.

5. Agricultural research

In India, agriculture research is conducted by the ICAR- Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Research helps us understand the behavior of crop yield under different atmospheric and soil conditions, and how the use of certain fertilizers can increase production. The use of new scientific methods has been beneficial for farmers. This led us to the green revolution.

6. Urban influence

Communication channels like social media brought rural people closer to urban people. Rural people are influenced by urban people. It changed their buying behaviors and lifestyle which led to the increased demands for consumer goods.

Increased demands attracted many industries and many MNCs entered the rural market. MNCs worked towards making their products available at affordable prices. It resulted in more sales which helped to grow the economy. MNCs also started offering jobs to locals increasing the employability rate.

7. Government initiatives

The government of India has taken many initiatives to promote rural development. Some of the examples are as below:

  1. Operation flood, white and blue revolution for self-sufficiency
  2. IRDP- Integrated Rural Development Program
  3. TRYSEM- Training Rural Youth for Self- Employment
  4. REP- Rural electrification program for providing an electricity supply
  5. PSU and Banks lending money to farmers
  6. Contract farming: companies give high yielding seeds to the farmers to cultivate crops and give them back to the company. This way farmers don't have to invest their own money for farming.

Those were the few factors that affect the development of rural areas. If we look at the bigger picture there will be a never-ending list of problems. Rural development is happening at a lightning speed, and it will in the coming decades. We have to understand that rural development is as important as urban development and have to work towards it. Many companies are yet to come to fulfill the demands of rural areas. One such company is KhedutPay.

Key issues of rural development in INDIA
2022-08-31 15:44:09

World Vision

Urban areas have seen a major development in the last two decades but rural areas haven’t been developed much. Rural areas are still facing issues like poverty, low literacy rates, and lack of basic infrastructures like schools and hospitals. As a result, youth is migrating to urban areas in search of new opportunities. If rural areas are poor, India is poor.

India is continuously trying to boost the rural economy. But in its effort to boost the rural economy, India is facing many issues, which slows down the economic growth. The issues are really important and need to be solved.

Here is a list of key issues that must be solved in order to grow the rural economy


According to the latest reports by the World Bank, it is estimated that the poverty rates in India will increase to 12% ( approximately ) due to COVID-19. It declined from 22.1 percent to 8.1 percent between 2011 and 2017. Again due to the nationwide lockdown poverty level is increasing in India which will become a major issue in rural development.

2. Connectivity

Roads, transport, and mobile communication play an important role in rural development. It connects the people of rural areas to the outside world. In India, many poor communities are isolated due to bad road conditions, inadequate transport, and lack of mobile communication services. Bad connectivity causes many other problems for rural people. Bad road conditions make it difficult for people of rural areas to transport their goods or make it to the workplace, to handle health emergencies. Bad mobile communication causes problems like lack of information and awareness among the rural people.

3. Electricity and water supplies

Progress report of village electrification of 2015 shows that around 19,909 villages are not electrified yet. Even the villages that are electrified are not getting quality power and estimation shows that 33% of villages are under electrification. They only have access to less than 50kWh of electricity per month.

Water causes a majority of health diseases. Inadequate or impure water supply is an issue in most rural areas these days. The number of Indians affected by water-borne disease every year is 37.7 million. The death toll is also very high, approximately 1.5 million children die due to diarrhea alone each year. The Indian government spends around $600 million on health services in rural areas for waterborne disease. Pure water is a necessity and it must reach the people of rural areas.

4. Education/Literacy

In 2015, the youth literacy rate in India was 90.2% while the adult literacy rate in India was 74.04% in 2011. In India, there is a wide gender gap in literacy rates. In 2011, 82.14% of men were literate while only 65.46% of women were literate. This gap causes a negative impact on population stabilization and family planning. Though we have seen an increase in the female literacy rate in the last decade, there is still a gap that needs to be filled out.

5. Employment

Unemployment is a big issue in India, especially in rural areas. Youth is migrating to urban areas to find jobs while the aged remain in rural areas. The amount of agricultural land is the same but the population is growing. With the increase in agriculture technology, we have seen a decreased rate of employment in the past few years.

6. Migration to urban areas

The most common reasons why people are migrating to urban areas is the lack of income and lack of opportunities. These are the economic factors, there are also other factors like health, finance, social, education, etc.

7. Land Reforms

Land reforms must be initiated in rural areas. Zamindars and the big landlords have been exploiting poor people since independence. However, the Government of India has taken various steps to get rid of it.

Land reforms enable the use of modern technology to increase production leading to large-scale production with the efficient and optimum use of agricultural land.

There are a few other issues that have a negative impact on rural development. The Government of India is now focused on developing rural areas and creating more opportunities. They have introduced various schemes like Deen Dayal Upadhyay Grameen Kaushal Yojna, Heritage Development and Augmentation Yojna (HRIDAY), Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), and many more. Click here to get the details of schemes offered by the Government of India for rural development.

We may not be able to see the big picture now, but India is developing and so are the rural areas. India is facing few issues now but it will surely resolve those in the coming years. Many private companies and start-ups have stepped up to solve these issues.

KhedutPay ensures that the needs of farmers are fulfilled hasslefree. We have created a technology-based e-commerce platform where farmers can reach and sell rural products to the masses. We also offer necessary supplies for farming to farmers at affordable prices. For more information, visit us at or give a missed call at (+91)9081813881.

5 Major Ground-level Problems Faced by Indian Farmers
2022-07-14 15:41:42

India experiences various seasons during a year which makes it favorable for conducting agriculture activities. Various revolutions, technological advancement, mechanization and credit facilities provided by the government further contributed to making India an agricultural nation. 

It is not at all right to say that India is leveraging every scarce resource efficiently. Being a developing country, India's majority of the population reside in rural areas where agriculture is the only source of earning. And the living standard of farmers remains as it was ten years ago - this is because agriculture is not a profit-making activity in India anymore. Farm outputs are purchased by middlemen at low prices from farmers and sold in the market with massive commissions which leave farmers in loss eventually. Such exploitations are leaving farmers with no choice than altering their earning source. If this keeps on happening, the consequences will take a huge toll on India as farm outputs alone contribute to 17-18% of GDP. Challenges of farmers need immediate attention and efforts must be taken in the favor of feeders of the nation. 

Today, let's bring five major ground-level problems faced by farmers into the spotlight:

1. Poor Irrigation Facility:

Good irrigation facility helps farmers to conduct agri-activities timely. Only one-third of the total land of India has proper irrigation facilities. One of the reasons for good irrigation facilities is the availability of water throughout the year from water reservoirs. Punjab has the highest irrigated land in India of about 98%, followed by Haryana. 

The scenario is not the same in all over India, states that experience less rainfall have to depend on monsoon, which is uncertain, for agriculture operations. Proper irrigation facilities must be implemented to use water effectively without wasting it.

2. Dealing with middlemen and traders:

Farmers who are unaware of the market fluctuations and prices, sell their outputs to traders with negligible profit. Traders, who have good knowledge of the market, in-turn make handsome profits. It also happens that, after the conclusion of agricultural activity, no one is ready to purchase the farm outputs due to less demand for the produced crop. Moreover, farmers, who have the burden of repayment of loans, seek cash and thus sell crops at less or no profit at all. All such exploitations make farming a less demanding field for profit-making.

3. Scarcity of Credit/Capital:

Fertilizers, seeds, agri-tools, pesticides, etc. are the prime necessities for running agri-operations smoothly. Majority of the Indian farmers are poor and don't have enough capital to invest in agriculture. This further impedes the agricultural progress of the nation. Efforts only from the government's side are not enough for providing credit facility, active participation of start-ups and private institutions will make a difference and bring positive change in the lives of farmers. 

4. Scattered or Small Holdings of Land:

Indian farmers are poor. They either own a small amount of land or have multiple scattered pieces of land. It becomes arduous for farmers to harvest in such scattered lands as it is time-consuming to shift resources from one place to another. According to a survey, the average size of holding of land is decreasing every year. The main reason for this is the inheritance law of India. If a man holding a land dies, his land will be distributed to his sons, but this does not guarantee the entailment of land. Hence, most of the farmers of India have scattered or less amount of land.

5. Less Infrastructure and Use of Technology:

Even when urban areas of India are touching the realms of progress, situations remain almost unchanged in rural India. Unavailability of electricity 24/7, no transportation facility, saturated development in one area, no sources of credit, ineffective irrigation plans, etc. obstructs the growth of agriculture to reach its potential.

Moreover, with farmers having little knowledge of technology, it becomes difficult to make them aware of various modern equipment's. This affects production negatively, and resources like manpower and time cannot be utilized effectively. Use of various modern inventions will not only make the operations less time-consuming but will also increase the production capacity.

Now that we have undergone the surface and unleashed the ground-level challenges which are making farmers irresponsible for conducting agri-activities, effective steps should be taken from the sides of both, government and private institutions, to make the lives of farmers better.

We at KhedutPay ensure that the needs of farmers are fulfilled hasslefree. We have created a technology-based e-commerce platform where farmers can reach and sell rural products to the masses. We also offer necessary supplies for farming to farmers at affordable prices. For more information, visit us at or give a missed call at (+91)9081813881.

Credit Facility - A Way To Empower Farmers
2022-06-15 15:39:53

India is a land of agriculture. Indian farmers are the real icons that bridge the immense demand for food of the world's second-largest populated country. The agricultural sector is a livelihood of almost 60% of the total population of India, making the country the second worldwide in farm outputs. Not only this but, in 2018 it contributed 17-18% in the nation's GDP.

Finance is the blood of any business. Indian farmers are poor, and the primary problem faced by them is acquiring finance on credit. Exploitation of farmers with prices, less use of technology, uncertain climate and lack of awareness hinders the growth of Indian farmers and the sector, besides the financial scarcity faced by them. Since the beginning, the very source of agricultural credit for Indian farmers was private moneylenders and shroffs. Now the scenario has changed. Indian farmers have multiple options to acquire credit. Ever since Independence, the Indian Government is also making extra efforts to help farmers run their agri-activities smoothly.

However, today farmers can rely on two main sources for agricultural credit: 

  1. Institutional Sources: Here, various government institutions, co-operative banks and commercial banks such as SBI Group, NABARD and RBI can be included. 
  2. Non-institutional Sources: In this, private moneylenders, loans from relatives, various commission agents and shroffs can be included.

Various sources of finance for farmers:

1. Commercial Banks: 

Initially, commercial banks have played a significant role in providing farmers with the credit facility. With the help of 'Village Adoption Scheme,' the commercial banks have started to meet the credit and other requirements of the farmers. Banks are also putting efforts in extending their branches to more rural areas to help more farmers and save them from grips of private moneylenders. 

 2. Credit Facility of Farmers:

Kisan Credit Card: 

This scheme was launched in 1998 with an aim of providing short-term credit to farmers. With this, owner cultivators and tenants can avail loans to bridge short-term requirements of the fund. The government has also simplified the application process to encourage more farmers to apply.

 Investment Loans:

Indian farmers can avail this scheme's benefits if they are planning to invest in the land i.e. implementing plantation, harvesting, land development, agricultural mechanization, etc. Apart from this, many schemes and subsidies such as Kisan Shakti Yojana, Minor Irrigation Schemes, etc. are provided by the Indian Government to lift the burden off farmers.

 Clearly, the government is doing everything in its power to make the lives of farmers better. So, the question still remains unanswered; what more can be done on an individual level to encourage and empower farmers?

 Even after all the efforts enforced by the government to help the farmers with their requirements, the situation of farmers remains pathetic. Efforts from the government's side are not enough, private institutions should be encouraged to equally participate in empowering the farmers. Moreover, more awareness should be given to the youth to strengthen the agricultural chain of the country. 

 In this hustleKhedutPay is playing a pivotal role as a technology-based initiative to help the real icons of the nation with every day-to-day need. The vision is to eliminate all the mediators and provide them with reasonable agri-materials at their doorstep. In addition to this, it also aids the farmers by giving them a platform where they can sell their farm outputs and reach masses. Such initiatives help to bridge the gap between rural and urban economy.

 Moreover, the following steps should also be taken on an individual level to help bring a positive change for farmers:

  • Credit societies must be formed to make the credit availability fast, efficient and less time-consuming.
  • Raw materials should be delivered directly from manufacturers to farmers to eliminate the middlemen, thus, reduced cost to farmers.
  • Awareness regarding agriculture should be imparted to more people to elevate the interest of farming among the youth. 
  • Process of applying for loans, paying instalments and repayment of loans should be simplified to encourage farmers to take loans from banks, and not from moneylenders.
  • More encouragement should be given to farmers for using modern tools for farming by teaching them the benefits of the same.

 In the middle of a pandemic, situations have been more trying, leaving Indian farmers in a more vulnerable and distressing condition. Only the government's efforts are not enough, active participation of private institutions paired with efforts of individuals will aid in improving farmer's ground-level problems and giving them a better environment to run their agri-activities. 

Rural Indebtedness: A Curse for a Country
2022-05-16 15:39:16

Every country around the globe is living under a certain amount of debt. Even the developed countries have debt. In 2019, 53.5% of Indian households were living in debt. The figures are declining, but rural figures are declining at lower rates. Rural debts indicate a country’s weak financial infrastructure. Our system is not able to reach the needy rural peoples. There are different reasons which cause rural indebtedness.

Causes of Indebtedness:


Poverty is a significant issue for both rural development and rural indebtedness. The per capita income in rural areas is low and uncertain, making it harder for small farmers to meet basic living needs. They take debts to meet those basic needs.

Ancestral or Inherited debt

In rural India, most rural debts are inherited, and these debts are increasing over time. Legally, the inheritors only have to pay the debt of the property inherited by him/her. But still, most rural people continue to pay the debts of forbears. This is because of a lack of awareness and illiteracy. Rural people are not aware of the laws.

Very few people are aware of the laws, but they continue to pay debts because the values and traditions bound them, and they believe that it is their sacred duty to repay those debts.

These increasing debts are passed on to new generations, making it difficult to repay those debts. The royal commission has stated that “Indian farmers are born in debt, lives in debt, and dies in debt.”

Social and religious needs

Tradition, values, and customs bound rural people. They consider it sacred. Examples are marriage, birth ceremony, death ceremony, etc. To perform these ceremonies, they need a high amount of money. To perform these ceremonies and meet money requirements, rural people take loans. What happens now is they do not have sufficient income to repay those loans. Thus, the loans remain unpaid, and the amount increases with time, leaving them, and coming generations in debt.


Generally, the farmers in India are involved in property and land issues, which makes them go to the court of law. Winning the case is important to them because it is related to family honour and prestige. Such litigations cost them a humongous amount of time and money. To meet the money requirements, they take loans, and in some cases, if they win, they repay the loans. But in some cases, even after winning the case, they are not to repay loans, and even worse, if they lose, they lose money and time. This leaves them in debt.

Backwardness of agriculture

Indian farmers highly depend on rain for the supply of water. Rainfall in India is uncertain. Sometimes there is no rain, and sometimes there is an excess of rain, both ruins the crop. So the money invested in something productive goes in vain. It becomes a burden and leads to indebtedness.

Land Revenue and Rent

For small farmers, Land revenues levied by the states and rents have become an excessive burden. Small farmers do not have sufficient income to land revenues and rents; they had to take loans to pay revenues and rents. Even in conditions like floods and drought, when they do not have any income source, they have to pay dues, eventually making them take loans and running into debts.

These were major factors that cause indebtedness. Rural people face indebtedness for many years now, and we should work towards reducing the debt and take measures to prevent it in the future.

Measures to reduce the burden of indebtedness:

  1. In some cases, the interest amount is higher than the principal amount. The government should take steps to cancel all debts paid to the moneylenders, or at least the farmers must be relieved to pay the interest in conditions like drought and floods.
  2. Some debts are repaid and still have unpaid entries in moneylenders books, the debts which are paid in the form of money, labour, or crops. These kinds of fraud debts should be cancelled, and strict actions should be taken against moneylenders for fraud.
  3. Ancestral debts should be scaled down. There are laws to scale it down, but people are not aware of it. Gram Panchayats should settle this kind of debt, and measures should be taken to increase rural people’s awareness.
  4. Some debts do not have any on paper records. This kind of debt should either be cancelled or reduced.
  5. Apart from the steps given above, special institutions like banks should look after the remaining debts. They can settle the debts with the moneylenders, and farmers/debtors can pay banks on easy terms. Banks should facilitate proper credit for rural people.

Recommended measures to prevent indebtedness in the future:

  1. The per capita income of rural people must be increased so that they don’t have to take loans.
  2. Agricultural activities should be led by scientific methods. It should not depend on natural climate factors only.
  3. Local village disputes should be resolved by panchayats and other local authorities. It will prevent villagers from going to the court of laws, which costs a lot of money.
  4. Private lending should be abolished. Credit facilities should be arranged on reasonable terms for the farmers.

Reducing indebtedness is as important as preventing it from rising again in the future. Thus, both these measures should be taken simultaneously to make rural areas debt-free.

We at KhedutPay ensure that the needs of farmers are fulfilled hasslefree. We have created a technology-based e-commerce platform where farmers can reach and sell rural products to the masses. We also offer necessary supplies for farming to farmers at affordable prices. For more information, visit us at or give a missed call at (+91)9081813881.

Unlocking The Potential of Rural Markets in India
2022-03-28 15:38:28

Urban areas in India are experiencing a ground-breaking development in the last few decades. India has a population of 136 crore people, out of which 83 crores people, nearly 60% of the total population, reside in rural areas. People migrate from rural to urban areas for getting employment opportunities. This further contributes to the progress and growth of urban areas. For a couple of years, the focus was to uplift urban areas, this left rural areas in the state of underdevelopment.

But now, the scenario is changing. Along with urban areas, heed is paid to rural areas of India. With issues of land in urban areas, multi-national companies are widening their landscape by establishing their branches in rural areas of India. This leads to the development of rural areas, and by serving employment opportunities, it also uplifts the standard of living of local residents. So, we can say that since the last few years companies and governments are making efforts to develop rural areas of India. All these efforts are resulting in unlocking the purchasing potential of rural markets.

Following are the causes of the rise of the purchasing power of rural markets:

  1. Scheme and Subsidies from Government:

To ease the day-to-day challenges of farmers, the government provides various subsidies on machinery and agricultural products. This helps in loading off the burden of expense and also aids in the effective usage of resources. Moreover, various schemes such as Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna (PMFBY), Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojna (PKVY), and the like aids in increasing the purchasing power of rural people, who are engaged in Agri-activities.

2. Investment of Multi-national Companies in Rural India:

Foreign companies are expanding their horizons by establishing their companies in rural areas of India, where availability of labour at cheaper rates is in abundance and various infrastructure facilities such as banking facility, electricity, roads, communication facility, etc. are already established by the government to encourage foreign companies to invest in such underdeveloped areas. This unlocks the way for employment opportunities in rural areas, raising the standard of living of people eventually.

3. Infrastructure Facilities in Rural Areas:

After Independence, the government's main focus was to develop the developing cities of India. But since the last few years, the government is putting extra efforts in developing rural India by building a strong infrastructure environment. Government banks are flourishing in more and more villages, along with communication facilities, availability of water and electricity. This also makes it convenient for foreign companies who want to erect their companies in India in rural areas. Better infrastructure empowers the rural people and encourages them to do more, which indeed leads to the betterment of people in rural areas.

4. Awareness of Potential of Rural Market:

Multi-national companies targeted only urban markets for their products and didn't consider rural markets. Recently, companies understood the rich potential of rural markets. According to a survey, a 1% increase in rural income translates into an approximate buying power of Rs 10,000 crore. While companies make value packs for urban markets, a strategic change of sachet packs was introduced to also encourage people in rural areas to buy their products. In this way, companies are also taking steps to make revenue by targeting people residing in rural India. Thus, such awareness from the company's side helps to provide opportunities for rural markets.

Gradually, this way markets in rural areas are opening the doors of possibilities for rural people and companies. Although proper measures are taken from the government's side to provide a conducive environment to people in rural India, it will still take a few years to build a proper required environment which will further aid in the development of rural India.

We at KhedutPay ensure that the needs of farmers are fulfilled hasslefree. We have created a technology-based e-commerce platform where farmers can reach and sell rural products to the masses. We also offer necessary supplies for farming to farmers at affordable prices. For more information, visit us at or give a missed call at (+91)9081813881.

Are loan waivers and subsidies helpful to farmers or not?
2022-03-08 15:36:50

The agricultural scenario in India is not very pleasant. Multiple reasons affect the rise of agricultural growth, which includes fragmented land holdings, depleting quality of soil, lack of awareness of the quality of land, etc. All of these, combined with a lack of credit facility, leaves farmers in a vulnerable situation. 

Access to credit facilities is the basic requirement of farmers of India since the majority of the people engaged in agri-activities are poor and in dire need of money. Moreover, illiterate farmers who don't want to undergo the tiring process of applying for a loan, choose to borrow money from private moneylenders at a much higher interest rate. This only makes the pile of problems bigger for farmers. In fact, 87% of the expressed reason of farmer's suicide in India was due to indebtedness. This clearly indicates the need of solving this chronic distress of farmers.

To solve the indebtedness and tragic credit situation of farmers, the Indian government offers to waive the loans given to them. There have been two nationwide loan waiver programmes in India after Independence:

 1. The first nationwide farm-loan waiver in independent India was implemented in 1990 by the VP Singh-led government. It cost the government Rs 10,000 crore. 

2. In 2008, the Agricultural Debt Waiver and Debt Relief Scheme, implemented by the UPA government, involved an outgo of Rs 71,680 crore.

Since then, various state governments have tried to temporary relieve the burden of debt from farmers. But this again leaves the question unanswered; even after the exorbitant outgo of money for the betterment in the agricultural scenario, why is the situation of farming still distressing? Loan waivers offered by the government, it seems, do not fulfil the core purpose of making farmer's lives better in the long run but merely gives a temporary relief at the huge economical cost. This is the time we have to reinforce a solution that works in the longer run, while also making our farmers empowered in real sense.

Loan Waivers might seem like a good option to go for in solving the short-term problem of farmers, but it has several impacts that affect certain sectors of the economy. Here are a few impacts of Loan Waivers:

1. Free Rider Problem: While the majority of the farmers are poor, each and every farmer doesn't need to be in debt. Some farmers may take loans even if there is no need, in the hope of the next loan waiver scheme. This will impact the farmers who are genuinely in need of loans.

2. Reluctance of Banks to Lend Credit: Subsequent losses and loan waivers given to farmers are making it hard for banks to lend money to people who are in the agricultural field. If this keeps on happening, farmers will have to depend on private money lenders, where chances of farmer's exploitation are high.

3. Not in Favour of Interests of Depositors: Banks receive money from the depositors and lend money to borrowers under different contracts and agreements. The difference between borrower’s and lender’s interest rates is the bank's profit. Thus, the loss to the bank, due to loan waivers, is directly or indirectly against the interests of the depositors.

4. Not Right Morally: Loan waiver schemes will shake the credit discipline as it might look like a good option for a temporary solution but it might be a moral hazard in future. This is because even those farmers who would be able to pay off their loan might not do so to reap the benefits from loan waivers in future.

This takes us to the conclusion that a better, more effective and a solution that works for the long run should be reinforced to help farmers in real sense. Loan Waivers might be useful in bringing temporary relief, but more empowerment of farmers is possible.

Green Revolution: A Tale of Agricultural History
2022-02-08 15:37:04

After Independence, India was not developed in terms of technology and innovation. From industries to farmers, everyone depended on conventional methods of getting their work done. This resulted in less productivity, lack of efficient use of factors of production, and time-consuming activity. The illiteracy rate in India was at its peak and introducing new methods, techniques and policies was no less than an ice-breaking challenge for the government, as well as the residents of India. But as there was a steep rise in the population of India, an urgent need for a method was needed which could fulfill the massive rising demand of the people.

Multiple wars, natural calamities, and the rising population of India only contributed to the depressing economic scenario of the nation. Majority of the resources that India treasured were utilized in relief camps where wars, famine, drought, and other natural calamities unleashed their cruel side. Since the illiteracy rate of the nation was already very low at that time, the majority of the population depended on agriculture for their livelihood.

Due to all these, the economy of India was shaken terribly. Money that could be used to boost the productivity of the agricultural sector served its purpose in wars and calamities. As a result, the agricultural sector of India suffered miserably. A need for modernization, along with technology, was needed to support the depletion seen in the agri-sector.

This is when the Green Revolution was introduced. The objective of this revolution was to implement the usage of modern methods and equipments in farming. This includes the utilization of pesticides, insecticides, modern tools of farming, tractors, irrigation facilities, to name a few. The revolution commenced in the year 1966, mainly under the leadership of agricultural scientist M. S. Swaminathan, also known as the father of Green Revolution - and the premiership of Indira Gandhi - a former Indian Congress leader. The revolution was undertaken with a vision of boosting the productivity of the agri-sector and removing the obstacles that hinder the growth of the sector. Punjab was the first state where the revolution was initiated.

The method of green revolution focused on three basic elements, that are:

1.   Using seeds with improved genetics (High Yielding Variety seeds).

2.   Double cropping in the existing farmland and,

3.   The continuing expansion of farming areas

The Green Revolution turned out to be a very effective development strategy since famines, droughts and other crises further made the economy of the nation vulnerable. It helped in raising the overall output index of agricultural products. Until 1967, the government majorly concentrated on expanding the farming areas. But the rapidly increasing population as compared to the overall food production called for a drastic and immediate action to increase yield which came in the form of the Green Revolution.

Let us dive deeper into the impacts received from the Green Revolution:

1.   The Green Revolution allowed us to see a rapid rise in overall agricultural production. Wheat benefited the most from the revolution. The production capacity was increased to 55 million tonnes in the early stage of the plan itself.

2.   The revolution not only raised the agricultural output but also inflated the per acre yield. In the case of Wheat, it rose from 850 kg per hectare to an incredible 2281 kg per hectare in its initial stage.

3.   The Green Revolution helped India to get back on its feet and be self-sufficient, reducing the bar of imports from other countries. Revolution helped to bridge the gap of rising demand due to increasing population and also stock it for times of emergency. Moreover, India also started exporting the excess of agri-outputs to other countries which is a major milestone earned.

4.   Farmers were majorly benefited from this revolution. Famers not only earned their livelihood but also prospered from it since the revolution resulted in bringing a significant rise in the income of farmers.

The Green Revolution truly brought the revolution to the agricultural sector, but it also negatively affected farming. Here are the negative impacts of the Green Revolution:

1.   Although the Green Revolution commenced throughout India, it's results were unbalanced from state to state. Different methods should be used for every state since land, water level, availability of electricity, etc. vary in every state. Moreover, since the revolution for a number of years remained limited to wheat production, its benefits were mostly accrued only to wheat-growing areas.

2.   The new technology which was asked to be used by farmers in the Green Revolution called for a hefty investment. Farmers who are financially stable and possess huge landholdings were at ease since they could easily invest the amount, whereas, for small scale farmers, who are more in numbers than wealthy farmers, it became arduous to implement new technology at such a costly investment.

3.   Degradation of soil occurred since new pesticides and insecticides were made up of harmful chemicals. Not only this, inadequate irrigation cover, shrinking farm size, failure to evolve new technologies, inadequate use of technology, declining plan outlay, unbalanced use of inputs, and weaknesses in the credit delivery system, ineffective use of factors of production, etc. affected agri-activities negatively.

The Green Revolution brought a revolutionary change in the agricultural sector, especially in the production of Wheat, and also helped to support the falling economy of India. But after all these decades, a new system, with a vision of truly empowering farmers, is needed to help boost the agricultural sector further. 

Factors That Affect The Value of LandFactors That Affect The Value of Land
2021-11-29 13:40:41

The land is a better option for an investment opportunity as compared to other investment options available. It assures to yield the investor greater appreciation and provides the best long-term return. In India, 60.45% of the total land is used for conducting farming activities according to a World Bank report conducted in 2016. When it comes to purchasing land for the use of agricultural activity, buyers have to undergo a lot of details like quality of soil, which elements are in abundance in soil, etc. to better understand the quality of soil and then its usage. In addition, prices of land vary drastically based on different factors such as land use, land market, interest rates, circle rate, and overall real estate value of that particular area.

Hence, it becomes very crucial for buyers and investors to dive deeper into the factors to better understand the scenario. Here are the five major factors that affect the price of the land which is to be used for agricultural activities:

  1. Location: Location is a significant factor in determining the value of the land. The rate at which the area is developing helps in gauging the future price of the land. Moreover, easy access to roads, airports, train stations, communication & banking facilities, and other infrastructural facilities yields a good value of the land. Also, land which is amid greenery has more value than the one surrounded by industries and companies. With increasing land scarcity, The Indian government is taking effective measures to allot the maximum area of land for conducting agri-activities.
  2. Quality and Topography of Land: Due care must be taken while buying land for the use of farming. The productivity of land, and the output it will reap, is determined by the quality of the land. A fertile land might give away more output as compared to an unfertile land. Depending on the more and less number of nutrients found in the land, one can decide which crops will be suitable to grow on that land. Hence, the quality of soil and topography can’t be ignored when it is purchased for farming.
  3. Demand for Land: In simpler terms, whatever is available in abundance and easily saleable, loses its value. And whatever is scarce commands more value. This is called the Law of Demand. The land which is in a prime location - where availability of water, transportation, and other infrastructural facilities is prevalent - has more value and attracts more investors and buyers as compared to the land which is in the outskirts and is not fertile enough for agri-activities. 
  4. Present and Future Use of Land: To keep the industrial pollution and industries under control, sometimes the government puts restrictions on the usage of land. A buyer looking out for a piece of land for building a mall might not purchase it as the chosen land is restricted for construction purposes. This also affects the value of land negatively. Hence, keeping in mind the present and future use, one can better gauge the value of the land.
  5. Economy: During the economic crisis of 2009, everyone was in dire need of money and wanted to liquidate their landholdings. The demand for land decreased significantly, and the price of land deflated. Moreover, if there is a recession period in the market, the price of the land will be affected negatively and vice versa. This way, various economic factors affect the price of the land.

These were the five major factors that affect the price of land. Although there are still many other factors that help us to determine the price of the land. In the case of agriculture, other factors include the availability of water, electricity, communication and transportation facilities, banking facilities, to name a few. 

6 Major Nutrients in Soil That Helps Plants To Grow
2021-01-10 13:24:08

There is a steady downfall in production capacity of the agricultural field. Not only this but the overall quality of outputs such as pulses, crops, vegetables, etc. is also degrading. Several phenomenons influence the soil degradation to occur including soil erosion, degradation of soil due to lack of nutrients and adding artificial nutrients. To bridge the massive necessity of the nation, it becomes crucial for farmers to come up with ideas that can reap more output while also keeping the quality of soil intact. Organic Farming is one such solution to grow quality agri-outputs.

Different nutrients affect different characteristics of the agri-products. By testing the quality of soil in the laboratory, farmers can check which nutrients are in abundance and which nutrients are lacking in the soil. And to maintain the quality of soil, farmers can add the nutrients which are lacking in the soil. Here are the major nutrients found in the soil which are helpful for the plants to reap quality agri-outputs:


Nitrogen plays a vital role in the overall development of plants. Out of all the nutrients that a plant requires, Nitrogen is required in major proportion to avoid the deficiency in plant production and health. Nitrogen is responsible for the green colour of plants, and also a major part of chlorophyll is filled with it. Even though Nitrogen is found in the atmosphere in abundance - about 78%, plants cannot use it until it is processed by microbes present in the soil. When Nitrogen is added artificially in the soil, it is converted into mineral form to help plants take it up. 


Phosphorus is essential to all forms of life on this planet. It is an essential nutrient necessary for growth and development not only of plants but also of animals. After Nitrogen, phosphorus is the second most limiting nutrient. It can reduce plant growth and development and potentially limit crop yield. All manures contain phosphorus; manure from grain-fed animals is a particularly rich source. Refined phosphorus management can yield more agricultural outputs while reducing negative impacts on the environment. However, an increased proportion of phosphorus in the soil can be harmful as it can enter into water bodies and degrade the water quality in the longer run. Hence, a proper management system must be formed to utilize it while also not affecting the environment.


Unlike other nutrients which aid the plant's overall development and growth, Potassium helps to resist disease and works as a protective shield to defend it from various harmful insects and bacterias. If Potassium is deficient or not supplied in adequate amounts, it stunts plant growth and reduces yield. Potassium helps in the growth of roots and to improve drought resistance, reduces water loss, aids in the process of photosynthesis, produces an output which is rich in starch, helps in reducing retard crop diseases and increases plant's protein content.


Calcium is essential for plant's root health, growth of new roots and root hairs, and the development of leaves. It is also linked to the pH of your soil – soils with a higher pH level usually contain more available calcium. Signs of deficiency of calcium include stunted or weak growth, curling of young leaves or shoots, scorching or spotting on young leaves, inhibited bud growth, stunted or dead root tips, cupping of mature leaves, burnt leaf tips, and fruit damage can all be signs of calcium deficiency. One of the best artificial sources of adding calcium to the soil is lime. 


Magnesium is a key component of chlorophyll, the green colouring material of plants and is vital for the process of photosynthesis - the conversion of the sun's energy to food for the plant. Magnesium deficiency might be a significant limiting factor in crop production. Deficiency symptoms consist of interveinal chlorosis - leaf veins stay green while the regions between them turn yellow. Interveinal chlorosis can lead to the death of tissue of the affected areas. It may also lead to the defoliation of the lower leaves. Magnesium deficiency does not affect the overall output, but severe deficiency can stress the plants leading to reduced yield.


Sulfur is a constituent of amino acids in plant proteins and is involved in processes of energy production in plants. It is responsible for many flavours and odour compounds in plants such as the aroma of onions, cabbage and bitter gourd. Since the last few years, deficiency related to sulphur has become more frequent and eventually, the importance of it in the agri-production has increased. Oil crops, legumes, forages and some vegetable crops require a considerable amount of sulphur to help plants grow and develop entirely. In many crops, its amount in the plant is similar to phosphorus.

These are the major nutrients which, if used and taken by plants in the required quantity, can aid 360-degree growth of agricultural production and help to yield maximum output from the available resources. Hence, it becomes crucial for farmers to test soil and add the required quantities of lacking nutrients.

What are the challenges faced by rural India?
2021-08-02 12:43:07

Indian Rural Economic Constraints

The economy is a term derived from the Greek word 'Ecos Namomai' means household management. 'The economy is defined as a social sphere that emphasizes the practices, discourses, and material expressions linked with the manufacturing, usage, and managing the supplies'. It is inclusive of social realms of business and trades.

Rural Economy

India is one of the largest populated countries. Indian economy is developing and stands 5th on the global rank. The contribution of the rural economy is prominent as a vast population is still an inhabitant of rural areas.  

The rural economy is governed by agricultural practice. Therefore, it contributes substantially to the Indian economy. As it is involved in revenue generation. However, the industrial revolution generated a nexus for other fundamental elements of the economy. Rural areas are generally an underdeveloped area. But looking at the current scenario of a pandemic, the Indian rural economy is being the backbone. As massive reverse migration is seen during the COVID situation, knowing that the village lifestyle is cheap and sustainable.

The rural economy encompasses agricultural, forestry, fishing and aquaculture, handicrafts, dairy, tourism, mining, transport, trade, repair and construction, community and personal services. 

The challenges in rural areas are massive. Some general challenges are Illiteracy, unemployment, malnutrition, lack of infrastructure, transportation, medical facility, fundamental needs (electricity, drinking water, sanitation, communication), and geographical inaccessibility. While person-specific challenges are carelessness towards knowledge, equipment, storage facilities, limited access to advanced tools, logistics, financial constrain, migration for employment, traditionalism, and conservatism.

Now, let's delve deep into crucial components of economic activities. 

Agricultural or farming based economy

Soon after independence, the country was facing a crisis and agriculture was the only sector being a savior for the Indian economy. To combat the hunger monster of the second largest populated country in South Asia, it has to focus on agriculture. Agriculture plays an important role in our economy. Today the Indian agronomy is doing far well. However, the challenges in farming are still there. Unpredicted rain falls, draught, irrigation issues are environmental factors linked to Indian climates that hinder the overall economy. Looking at the rural challenges, lack of infrastructure, and transportation that can save the harvest and store them safely is a matter of concern. The loss due to environmental and biological factors (insects, rodents, etc.) impacts hugely to hard earn. Transportation facilitates the product to be delivered on time so that the farmer earns good profit for selling their fresh produce. But due to lesser connectivity via roads, inaccessibility due to climatic conditions (rainfall, landslides, snowfall) being the root cause for the loss. The second paramount obstruction is nescience towards technology and automation. Illiteracy or traditional conservative mindset obscures the farmer to use of innovative tools and technics. Ultimately, the farmer could not survive in the market competition and starts thinking about migrating to urban areas for betterment. However, opposites are the cases where some modern villages are well equipped and planned; using sustainable energy, totally ecofriendly and facilities are far better than any Indian city. Their small-scale business is not capital intensive and profit margins are high. 

Non-farming activity-based economy  

Apart from farming, non-farming activities are abundant and distinct to each part of the country. Geography specific harvests, as well as cultural festivities, are significant players because it creates a big market, and is the reason behind the rise in the economy. Dairy business for the rural farmer is highly encouraged. Amul dairy is an excellent example of an exponential increase in the economy through rural farmers. Handicrafts and handlooms prepared in various parts of the country are world-famous and exported at high rates. The labor-intensive services in urban areas are mainly are provided by rural inhabitants as regular employment. A small industry that does not necessitate literate or trained staff is preferably existing as a part of the rural economy. Geographical features like mine industry, forestry, or forest products (such as honey, wax, wood, some natural medicines) are other means of self-employment or business in the rural economy. 

Characteristics of the rural economy

Faith, morals, and unity

This trio is the life foundation of rural people. They are grounded, polite, and more generous than an educated and sophisticated so-called urban. They work hard to earn a penny; their morals forbid them from any misdeed. Their cultural beliefs hold them to unite.

Unemployment, debts, and poverty 

These three are in chronological order! Rural economy encounters with unemployment. An unemployed person takes debts to survive such circumstances, ultimately fails to save the left-overs, and becomes poorer.

Dependency and financial nonequivalence

Financial inequality and dependency are more usual than in semi-urban or urban areas. There is a variance in the living standards of a rural community. Rich people live a lavish life while the poor are hardly able to manage daily food for his family. Dependency means a member of the family leaves the area for earning and others are dependent on him or her.


Due to many whys and wherefores, a villager elects to leave his home, land, and even ancestral resources. To get a job, people migrate. Evacuation of the whole village for the same is ordinary in Uttara Khand, Bihar, and Uttar Pradesh. Migrants live a miserable initial life in a new place until they get work. Their struggle for survival sometimes leads to involvement in an illegal act. It is high time now to spread awareness amongst them regarding the policies and funds. Their promotion through the government can halt the migration from rural areas.

To overcome these rural challenges, a few suggestive steps:

  • Spreading awareness is essential to increase the status of the rural economy.
  • Small startup funds and grants for small industries should be encouraged.
  • Providing essential facilities and its better alternatives can step up the level like the installation of solar panels and turbines for electricity. 
  • Encouragement and promotion of innovative technologies made by locals

3 Promising Courses in Agri-sector for Bright Future
2020-02-03 15:45:20

With the growing economy, technological revolution and booming development, India is steadily touching the realms of progress. Almost 17% of India's total GDP is generated by the agriculture sector alone. Moreover, India improved its ranking on the World Bank’s ‘ease of doing business’ report for the second straight year, jumping 23 places to the 77th position on the back of reforms related to insolvency, taxation and other areas of economic development. This shows the massive development witnessed by India in recent years.

Apart from this, the agricultural sector employs over 60% of the total population of India. But India's lack of agricultural planning, credit facility, saturated development of agriculture in one area, use of conventional ways for farming, lack of electricity and other resources, etc. make it difficult for farmers to continue with their agri-activities. They don't even want their inheritors to continue with farming in such unfavourable conditions. Heirs of farmers are advised to work in private firms or government organisations and discontinue agri-activities. This, eventually, leads more and more farmers to leave farming and choose alternate earning sources. 

Indian farmers are illiterate and not used to handling modern machines, banks procedures and other paperwork required in this field. However, the youth of India is smart, educated and can handle machines and do paperwork with ease. With proper guidance and direction, the agriculture sector of India can be flourished. One of the prerequisites for this is empowering and generating keen interest in seeing farming as a business venture. For this, more awareness related to farming and its scope should be given in schools and colleges to help students cultivate an interest in this field. This will lead to the development of innovation in the agricultural sector. Various prominent courses related to agriculture that have a potential career scope are here:

Bachelor of Science in Agriculture:

Students can gain some in-depth knowledge of soil science, water resources and its management, animal husbandry management, land surveying, and few aspects of biotechnology from this course. The fundamental methodology behind the course curriculum is to train students to create modern and effective ways of agriculture to enhance the overall productivity of agricultural output. Students can learn all these basic aspects and implement them while practically performing them in the field. Agricultural science also has disciplines such as agronomy, horticulture, plant pathology, entomology, soil science, food technology, agricultural economics, home science, fisheries, forestry, and veterinary science. Students interested in this can opt for such optional subjects too.

B.E. or B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering:

Through Bachelor of Engineering and B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering, students are provided with a syllabus of Agricultural Engineering which deals with various theoretical and practical aspects of farming. Various areas of concepts are food processing, production planning, food production, machinery, etc. More emphasis is given on the practical side of the farming sector during this course. This course also tries to unleash the innovative and creative side of the students to help them have a promising future in upcoming years.

BBA in Agriculture:

Generally, BBA stands for Bachelor's of Business Management, but its scope is not limited to its name. Management has a wide-scope which can be applied to various fraternities including agricultural business. BBA certainly helps candidates to apply principles of management, marketing, and other aspects of management. This course trains students and turns them into management professionals who may then work in the agri-business to bring innovation and effective management in picture to help generate more agri-output. Refined management helps in proper marketing of agri-products, its distribution and forming an effective networking channel to enhance the management of agri-activities.

These courses related to Agricultural Business not only give a promising career scope but also helps in strengthening the economy of the nation. Awareness related to this must be imparted to the youth from colleges and schools to save the feeding sector of the country that treasures high potential when it comes to generating revenue.

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